Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lilash - How to Use Lilash to Enhance Your Beauty

LiLash is an eyelash growth stimulator. It is made of strong lash growth properties. The growth properties however are further fortified with special botanical to ensure you're the eyelashes are safe and have a nice look overall.

Modern women prefer avoiding the hassle of using clumpy and caked mascaras. That's were Lilash comes in. It lets women make their eyelashes appear longer in a natural way. Here's what to expect.

The ingredients

This product has botanical extracts. It's designed to restructure weaker and brittle Lashes. For instance, it has extracts from the seeds of Prunus Amygdalus. That is a glyco-peptide taken off Sweet Almond. Lupinus Albus (also known as White Lupine) is another kind of seed extracts used in it.

This extract controls hormonal balance and manages your hair cycles through the reactivation of your hair's micro circulation. The bottom line is... these botanical extracts boost the metabolism of the hair and help prevent hair losses.

How to use it?

If you can use eyeliner, you can also use LiLash. It is to be applied to the length of your eyelashes' base. Following the application let it dry for a couple of minutes. And when dried, use your regular mascara.

It is designed to be used in all seasons and anytime in the day or night. You can read the instructions that come with the product. You can use it with your regular makeup. But

Though mascara or eyeliner is a cheaper solution, Lilash is positioned a bit differently as it gives you eyes natural beatification. The makers promise that you'll see your lashes getting better looking and thicker.

As you keep on using it, you'll become less and less dependent on mascara and even Lilash itself. It is clinically tested and certified as safe. Still you could consider consulting a beautician before using.

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